Chic Chicks

Show your plumage

“Bannino’s photo series Chic Chicks, depicts Paduan chickens in a glitzy light not normally bestowed on farm animals. But that’s exactly the point, the Italian photographer says. Bannino started the project to portray these beautiful chickens like glamorous models of high-fashion magazines, underlining the fact that some of us don’t even know how beautiful a ‘common’ chicken is.”

– Hilary Hanson- The Huffington Post 

"Bannino captured glam chickens aims to remind people that chickens are more than just food"

Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino - Andrea Pozzato: the man behind the chickens-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino-Mandy/Gold laced-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino-Maria/Black cloak-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino -Cosimo/Cuckoo coat-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino - Chicks' business-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino -Jennifer/Cuckoo coat-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino - Fluffy, Yolko, Willow, Flocky, Ziggy
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino-Tyson-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino -Anastacia/Silver laced-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino - Chicks' business-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino -Chick Norris/Classical white -
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino -Marvin, Joe, Pedro-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino-Mandy2/Gold laced-
Chic Chicks ©Dan Bannino - A star is born-

"These creatures too often mistreated had been at the service of humankind for centuries, yet not so many of us sees them as something different"